Fall Season

Happy Halloween


September 23rd marked the beginning of Fall for the land of LARA. We are well into the Fall season, although the weather seems to be hanging onto summer! Very soon the days will cool and the leaves of thousands of trees will drop to the ground, giving more meaning to the “Fall” season.

The Fall season also marks the coming of great holidays, the first one being Halloween. We at LARA wish everyone a wonder Halloween and Fall season. As the leaves fall to the ground, so do we wish that great moments fall upon you!

Keep in mind that the season of sustainability never ends. There are things that can be done to keep green even when things are turning brown. Dead leaves make a great compost material. The leaves contain nutrients that help plants revive and grow come spring time. Try composting your leaves or place them in the green waste bin of your local hauler. Pumpkins also make great composting material. For those who carve pumpkins, be sure to place your carvings into a green waste bin or a compost bin after use.

Are Jack-O-Latern’s getting a bit old? Check out the galleries of amazing carvings here, here, and here.

Pumpkins make for great dishes. Click Here to lean some ways that pumpkins are used in cooking.